
What I do

In my spare time, I'm many things! Mostly behind the screen, I'm a programmer, gamer and cynic. I also tweet. Quite a bit, mind.
Other hobbies include music, hiking and exploring (when I get the chance)!
I've also bought a Sony A58 recently, so photography is a new interest of mine! Check out my Flickr. Here's one I did earlier!

I'm currently studying Computer Science at The University of Manchester.
In 2015/16, I'll be taking an industrial year out, so if you're an employer, email me and let's chat!

Things! DSC01402 DSC02070


All content used under Fair Usage policy. Any copyright requests &/or issues may be sent to me at the email above.
Album artwork used: © 2014 by relevant parties, including, but not limited to:
Nonesuch Records, Apple Records, Xtra Mile, Epitaph, Monstercat, Virgin and Domino. All rights reserved.

Creative Commons License